What a funny little fellow--He's exactly as I think a wee Leprechaun might look. One hears stories about the frolicksome ways of the Irish. I love the Irish and am proud to claim my ancestry. Aye, someday I shall visit Ireland and see it all for meself.
This postcard is one I bought for my collection in the late 1970's. It was printed in the USA, and was a reproduction of a postcard printed in the early 1900's.
Have a lovely weekend, dear Friends--and Happy Postcard Friendship Friday.
* LINKING UP: You can put your link in any time between now and next Thursday. Postcard Friendship Friday is open for the entire week!
* BADGE: When you submit a postcard,be sure to put a link back to this page. You can copy and paste the PFF badge, which has the link embedded. Thank you!
* THEMES: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the pieces you love and tell us why you like them.
* REMINDER: and links which contain advertising will be deleted. Also, any and all suspicious links which do not lead to a correct website will be reported and deleted.