I have wonderful memories of sitting atop the apple tree with a good book and a lapful of crunchy apples pulled from the tree's forgiving branches. What a delight to sit cuddled in the fork of the branch. To read and munch fruit so good and succulent, the juice would run down my chin. Hands sticky? Down the tree to wipe them against the deep grasses of the field. Ah, childhood!
Daddy Update: Dad is getting stronger every day. To offset the effects of the heat wave, we have moved Dad and Mom to our home. We have a small air conditioner in the living room which we are using to keep Dad cool. It is supposed to be 103 today, which is dangerous for a person of Dad's age, especially with his severe injuries. Next week I will be driving dad to an appointment with the plastic surgeon. It looks like he'll need some grafts done to cover part of the open area of the wound.
.Thank you again for all your good thoughts and prayers. THANK YOU!!! Please keep praying for Dad's continued healing.