Her face is full of humor and grace. Her pose is unusual and intriguing. I deeply admire her spunk and I LOVE that fan!
Thank you for your patience. I have been traveling over this past month and was away from my computer. Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!
* LINKING UP: You can put your link in any time between now and next Thursday. Postcard Friendship Friday is open for the entire week!
* BADGE: When you submit a postcard, be sure to put a link back to this page. You can copy and paste the PFF badge, which has the link embedded. Thank you!
*THEMES: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them!
* A REMINDER: Links which do not have to do with Postcard Friendship Friday will be removed. Links which advertise various products will share that same fate. Any and all suspicious links will be reported to Blogspot then deleted.