Friday, December 30, 2011

A Happy New Year! - Postcard Friendship Friday #96

In the United States, the Times Square Ball in New York City is lowered, starting at 11:59 p.m., with a countdown from :10 seconds until :01, when the huge sparkling ball reaches the bottom of its tower. The arrival of the new year is announced at the stroke of midnight with fireworks, music and a live celebration which is broadcast worldwide.  In our family celebrations with friends in our home, we often light small fireworks.  There is usually a crowd of young people playing games and cracking jokes.  You can imagine the noise a group of teenagers and college kids might make--at the stroke of midnight--all armed with my cooking pans and spoons!

In Greece and Cyprus, families and relatives switch the lights off at midnight, then celebrate by cutting the "vassilopita" (Basil's pie) which usually contains one coin or equivalent. Whoever finds the coin is said to have good luck for the entire year.

In the Philippines, along with spectacular fireworks, tables are laden with food for a  midnight meal.  There is a basket of 12 different round fruits to symbolize prosperity in each of the coming year's 12 months.  In Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union, the celebration of Old New Year is greeted with fireworks and drinking champagne. Families enjoy a lavish dinner tables and an exchange of gifts.  In Davos, Switzerland, the final match of the Spengler Cup Ice Hockey Tournament is usually held on this day by tradition.

In France, people pay a lot of attention to the weather that day. This charming tradition regards the weather as the prediction of the coming year: wind blowing east, fruit will yield; wind blowing west, fish and livestock will be bumper; wind blowing south, there will be good weather all year round and wind blowing north, there will be crop failure.  
 Whatever way you celebrate the new year--it is my prayer 2012 will bring each of you unexpected joy and wonderful prosperity.

Happy New Year!

*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Happy New Year! - Guest heart Thursday

Here is a postcard from my Gramma Gladys.  This has a paper disc on the inside, which could be moved to show the date.  Very cunning.  And, of course, with the little heart, it is perfect for Guest Heart Thursday!

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone! - Postcard Friendship Friday #95

I apologize for getting PFF up so late.  I have been ill since Friday afternoon and haven't gotten any better until this morning.   Went out to do some errands early--and got caught in a Christmas traffic jam!  Reminded me of that old James Taylor song, "Traffic Jam."  Ah, I'm dating myself, aren't I?

Have a perfectly blessed Christmas everyone!

*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Under the Mistletoe - Postcard Friendship Friday #94

I love mistletoe.  When I was a youngster, my sister and I cut down a bit of mistletoe from an oak tree.  It was two feet across!  That ball of mistletoe hung from the back porch ceiling for years.  I always put up a bit of mistletoe somewhere in the house at Christmas time.  I like to surprise my darling with a kiss!

There are many ancient folk tales revolving around mistletoe.  The one I like best is about the Norse goddess Frigga and her son Balder--god of the summer sun.

One night, Balder had a dream which greatly alarmed his mother.  He dreamed of his own death.  It was said if Balder died, all life on earth would end. To keep this from happening, Frigga went at once to air, fire, water, earth, and every animal and plant seeking a promise that no harm would come to her beloved son.  Balder could not be hurt by anything on earth, or under the earth.

But Balder had one enemy, Loki, god of mischief and evil.  He knew of one plant Frigga had overlooked. It grew neither on the earth, nor under the earth, but on apple and oak trees. You guessed it--the plant was the lowly mistletoe. Loki made an arrow tip of the mistletoe, gave it to the blind god of winter, Hoder, daring him to shoot Balder.  Hoder, believing nothing could hurt Balder shot the arrow, striking Balder dead.

The sky went black and all things in earth and heaven wept over Balder. For three days each element tried to bring Balder back to life.  Alas, they were all unsuccessful.

As his mother wept over him, her tears were turned into the pearly white berries on the mistletoe plant.  Then to her great joy she realized her tears of sorrow had restored Balder to life.  Frigga kissed everyone who passed beneath the tree on which the plant grew.

The story ends with the promise that whoever stands beneath the mistletoe, no harm should befall them, only a kiss, a token of love.

Merry Christmas!

*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

An Evergreen Christmas - Postcard Friendship Friday #93

Here again is this delightful little girl from the early 1900's.  One can find her photographs everywhere.  Someday I will discover who she was.  There is something so endearing about her piquant little face.

As you see, she is holding evergreen boughs.  In early History, plants and trees which remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. Just as people today decorate their homes during the festive season with pine, holly, spruce and fir trees, in olden times, peoples hung evergreen boughs over their doors and windows.

Germany is credited with starting the tradition of the Christmas tree.  It is said that Martin Luther, the 16th-century Protestant reformer, was the first to add lighted candles to a tree.

Walking toward his home one winter evening, composing a sermon, he was awed by the brilliance of stars twinkling amidst evergreens. To recapture the scene for his family, he put an evergreen tree in the living room and wired its branches with lighted candles.  From that time on, Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. Some built Christmas pyramids of wood and decorated them with evergreens and candles if wood was scarce.

Merry Christmas!
*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Angel and the Birdie - Guest Heart Thursday

Grammie recycled things before it was popular to do so.  She would save old Christmas cards to make into tags for Christmas presents.  She always used those scissors with the rick rack edge pattern.  This is one she gave to me on a gift long ago.  I still love it.

And yes, there is a heart in this beautiful Christmas picture.  You can find it in the top of one of the pink roses!

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Adoring Angels - Sunday Scans

This wonderful unusual card came from a box of old cards given to me by my darling Gramma Gladys.  She has the most fabulous collection of Vintage cards and postcards.  When she moved from Oregon to Washington, she left several boxes of her collection with me.

I had the blessing of seeing her on my recent trip--she is tinier than ever, a winsome little Grannie elf with her beautiful wrinkled face filled with mischief--and that wonderful shock of pure white hair.  She says she can't do a thing with it.  She is an adorable little Grandmother.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Al's Photography Blog, by our good friend Al, hosts "Sunday Scans" each week.  Sunday Scans is a place for all things scanned.  So pick up your artwork, old photo albums, ephemera, postcards, ANYTHING which can be scanned and join in the fun!  

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Joyous Trumpeting - Postcard Friendship Friday #92

I am away from my desk this morning -- I have been in Tacoma for three days and will be back late this evening.  I love this time of year.  All the beautiful decorations and lighting, plays, family times and good cheer.

The postcard here, especially that little angel blowing his trumpet, seems to echo the joy of the season.  I love that sweet fellow!

Merry Christmas!

*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  Don't forget to visit Gemma at Greyscale Territory for Weekend Mailbox.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All Creatures Big and Small - Guest Heart Thursday

I received this card sometime in the 1970's.  I loved it so much I saved it.  I really like the way this artist portrayed the animals and that darling little Baby.  Yes, if you look there are at least four hearts in this picture.  How many hearts can YOU find?  Have a lovely week!

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday!