Friday, January 27, 2012

To My Valentine - Postcard Friendship Friday #100

Though Valentine's Day had been around a LONG time before, it was 498 AD, when Pope Gelasius officially declared February 14th to be St. Valentine's Day.

The oldest known Valentine still in existence today is a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. The greeting, written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.

Several years later, it is believed King Henry V actually hired a writer to compose a Valentine note to the lovely Catherine of Valois.  He eventually won her heart.

Today Valentine's Day is second only to Christmas in the flood of cards sent through snail mail to friends and loved ones!  An admirer of cards and postcards vintage, or otherwise, I am extremely grateful for this sweet tradition.

*  NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted.


Four-eyed-missy said...

Hello Beth! Joining PFF again this week after how many weeks of absence. When I was in high school, Valentine's day is the most awaited time of the year,second only to prom :)

Postcards Crossing

Julie Goucher said...

I've submitted two links this week. As I posted for last week and forgot to link up!

Dorincard said...

Hi, Beth! Lovely postcard you vie en rose... :)

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

It was never a big thing when I was young but since then it seems to have grown and grown. To the benefit mostly of retailers, I think.

Anonymous said...

How looks so impressive cards you makes in here ,i really like it ,its best for the little kids birthday's......
Plastic Card Printing
Plastic card

Anonymous said...

Beth beautiful card!
I am excited for Valentines day as it is filled with so much LOVE..
I was thinking that I had started "Friday's Friends" I wonder what happened?.. I can't remember other then preparing to move and having Estate Sales.
I really would love to do it again.
It is so important to let others know who inpires us and why. Sharing the Good News is such a medicinal act! I will need to commit myself to this.
I am so sorry if I had disappointed you and Clytie.

LiT Web Studio said...

gorgeous card...and huge congratulations on passing the 100 posts mark for PFF! sorry i missed this one...

Irene said...

i love your card. Happy V day.

salmaashiq said...

Great card collections i am so happy to see all of your choice.....

Plastic Card
Plastic cards