Friday, November 29, 2013

A Merry Christmas -Postcard Friendship Friday #196

Merry Christmas to you!  Isn't this the cutest little child.  Those jammies look warm and comfy--and see how she is treasuring all of those Christmas goodies?

I adore this artist.  You'll be seeing alot of her in the days ahead.  By the way, I will wish you happy holidays--but more than that, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

LINKING UP:  You can put your link in any time between now and next Thursday.  Postcard Friendship Friday is open for the entire week! 

BADGE:  When you submit a postcard, be sure to put a link back to this page.  You can copy and paste the PFF badge, which has the link embedded.  Thank you!

*  THEMESYou don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the pieces you love and tell us why you like them.

*  REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising will be deleted. Also, any and all suspicious links which do not lead to a correct website will be reported and deleted.

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Paul van Yperen said...

Good morning Beth,

Very cute indeed! We're not in the Christmas mood yet, while we have first Sinterklaas at 5 December. A European festivity with presents and candy, given to us by Saint Nicholas on his white horse and Black Pete.

Today I have another party, about which I post on EFSP.

Happy PFF! Keep up the good work and till next week! Greetings from Amsterdam,


Postcardy said...

Merry Christmas! Happy Black Friday!

Maria said...

Wow! It's heart-warming to greet you "Merry Christmas, too" dear Beth! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, know that I am thankful for you and your sis Clytie as wonderful bloghops hosts, and eventually becoming sweet friends! I wish I'll be able to go to the US and be able to see both of you!

VioletSky said...

It still feels too early for Christmassy things.....
though our Santa Claus Parade is this weekend.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Late again, I'm afraid. :) You've chosen such a cute card. I'm not yet in the Christmas spirit even though I've had to start making preparations.