Friday, January 7, 2011

Old Christmas Day - Postcard Friendship Friday #45

Christmas on January Seventh is known in many countries, as Old Christmas Day. The date for Christmas changed in 1752, when England and Scotland switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendars, dropping 11days.  However, those pesky rural folk did not accept the loss of those 11 days and preferred to celebrate Christmas the way they had for centuries.

There are some charming traditions associated with Old Christmas Day.  White cloth is used on dinner tables to symbolize purity--and the swaddling clothes baby Jesus was wrapped in. Straw is mounded upon the table to symbolize the simplicity of the place where the Christ Child was born.  Candles are lit to represent the light of the Savior and the festive Christmas meal represents the end of fasting.

To see more wonderful postal stuff, visit Gemma at Greyscale Territory at Weekend Mailbox!

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MrCachet said...

Well, I'm sticking with the theme - sort of. I received the book Good Mail Day for Christmas, so I can count myself a winner even if I'm not celebrating OLD Christmas!

Once again, thanks for hosting Postcard Friendly Friday.

Lisa'sLettersandLace said...

Gorgeous card. Thank you for the wonderful "Old Christmas Day" the New Year history in your last postcard post. Such fun and fascinating facts. Thanks for taking the time. I linked you from my PFF, I was really looking forward to it this week!! Blessings, Lisa

Dorincard said...

That postcard is beautiful, regardless of WHEN Jesus was actually born, or whether he had a birth certificate, or where exactly he was born. I guess Nazareth, not Kenya. :)

Paul van Yperen said...

Last week, I couldn't join PFF, so now to everybody and especially to Beth: best wishes for 2011. I hope you get a lot of mail. Thanks for this beautiful card and the info about Old Christmas. That's new to me. Yonight we'll have a white table cloth.

Terry said...

Howdy Beth
Happy PFF !
This is a really wonderful card.
Thank you for the information .
I did not know about the straw or white cloth .
Thank you for bringing us all together this fabulous Friday.
Have a blessed weekend .
Until next time
Happy Trails

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

How interesting! I didn't know about Old Christmas Day, only Epiphany on the 6th.

papel1 said...

Interesting Postcard with traditions I did not know about. Happy PFF.

Funoldhag said...

I learned something today, Beth - how very interesting your post is. Really enjoy taking part in PFF. A great group of folks. Have a very good weekend!! Carol

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday, Beth! The framing/border on this lovely card reminds me of old dresden paper. My grandmother used to make lovely Christmas ornaments using blown out egg shells. She would then embellish them using bits of pretty German papers, crystals, and other tiny treasures. I have one that has withstood the times and is a dear treasure ...

Joy said...

I knew the Orthodox church Christmas was this date but not that we all used to celebrate it then as well. A beautiful card.

Postcardy said...

I hadn't heard of "Old Christmas." January 7 is Russian Orthodox Christmas.

Irene said...

Wonderful card and a great tradition. We still do the white table cloth and straw, but I do it on Dec. 24th.

Anonymous said...

Beth, this is such a lovely, serene card, so beautiful and brings a feeling of peace with it. Thank you for posting it.