I adore this postcard--what a whimsical idea! The angel is handing the little girl a handful of ornaments--will she lift the child up to place them upon the tree? Her brother certainly wants to help--so cute with his arms held up--I wonder, though, if that angel isn't teasing him a bit? Looking closer it may be she has a piece of chocolate candy in her hand? What do you think?
Happy Postcard Friendship Friday, and Merry Christmas!
Hubby Update: My darling is free of cancer. The surgeon got it all. We are rejoicing because we have a lot left of life to live together. Thank you for your loving thoughts and powerful prayers.
* DON'T FORGET: When you submit a postcard, be sure to put a link back to this page. You can copy and paste the PFF badge, which has the link embedded. Thank you!
* NOTE: You don't have to stick to the theme I choose each Friday. Just put up the postcards you love and tell us why you like them.
* REMINDER: Comments and links which contain advertising and do not refer to any of the following; Postcard Friendship Friday, mailboxes, the Post office, postcards or the love of postcards, will be deleted. Lately, I've had to delete quite a few comments which are just ads.
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I am so glad to hear the good news about Alan! What a wonderful answer to so much prayer.
I think maybe the angel is teasing the little boy, don't you? Hmmmm I think I've participated in a bit of "angelic humor" myself on occasion! (LOL)
Thank you for hosting PFF, sissie. I love seeing the postcards that get linked here each week from around the world.
First I'm glad to know that your husband is free of cancer! Congratulations :)
I also think the angel is teasing the kids. :p I've always thought that angels are very playful, hence the smile on the faces of children even they are sleeping -- playing with the guardian angels in their dreams.
Wonderful news.
Wonderful Christmas postcard as well.
I think it's an ornament, chocolate would melt and make her hands all messy and you don't want messy hand when decorating a tree.
Again wonderful news about Alan. You can all breathe a little easier now.
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