I have lots of lovely memories about May Day. Sissy and I would braid long strands of new grass, then we would sew the braids into tiny baskets, which we would then fill with flowers. When I think of May Day--I can almost feel the warmth of the sun on our shoulders, smell the aroma of fresh grass and fragrant flowers. It was the scent of Spring.
When I was a freshman in high school, our big celebration was May Day. I still have the purple dress I wore as we danced around the Maypole. Mom bought it for me new. For PE we spent weeks learning the intricate dance which left a beautiful pattern of ribbon on the pole. I have always loved May Day.
Happy Postcard Friendship Friday, dear ones. May the Fragrance of Springtime fill your hearts.
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You really have lovely May Day memories! I remember how mother made a special lemonade from lemons, brown sugar, and yeast called "sima" she also made " tippaleipä" a special Finnish Vappu ( May Day ) Funnel cakes - they were delicious. We children had balloons and other decorations like paper streamers.
Have a lovely spring weekend!
I love the old traditions of May Day. I remember you getting the chance to dance the may pole; I never did, and I was SOOOO jealous!!!
I do remember making flower baskets, though. Do you remember filling them with flowers and sneaking them over to Grammie's house? We'd hang them on her door, knock like crazy, then run away and hide before she answered. Why is it we thought she didn't know who did it??? :=}
I don't think I have ever celebrated May Day. I feel like I've been left out of something wonderful and gay!
We never did celebrate May Day when I was a child but my son's school always had great festivities, with a maypole and dancing.
May 1 is legal holiday here in the Philippines for Labor Day, like in some countries. May Day is more so celebrated at the end of the month. Being a Catholic country, we have a Flores de Maria every evening where we offer flowers to the Virgin Mary. At the end of the month, a Reyna Elena or Queen Elena is chosen as the prettiest lady and there's a procession around town.
I miss this tradition in the province cause it's a commercialized celebration here in the city.
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