Though it is officially summer now, summertime has been slow in visiting the Pacific Northwest. Happily, the weather man says sunshine may finally break through our grey drizzly clouds. Speaking of drizzly scribbles -- the back of this postcard made me laugh. I wonder what that was all about?
My sisters and I were what we used to call tomboys. Back then, my siblings, cousins and I would often head for the canyon, where we built forts under the cedar trees, teepees from fir branches and followed deer trails to incredibly magical places. We learned to walk barefoot through the woods without a sound. We waded in the cold "crik" waters, chased crawdads, metallic colored bugs and beautiful butterflies. We sampled huckleberries, thimble berries, wild blackberries and strawberries. We learned to eat sour grass, licorice fern root, wild mint and water cress.
Everything changed the day I suddenly became aware of boys as more than buddies. I remember when a friend of mine taught me how to go "sparking" with a fellow in the moonlight -- which, isn't what you think. Did you know wintergreen breath mints spark in your teeth when you chew them in the dark? 'Tis true. You ought to try it -- especially with a fellow you love, under a smiling summer moon.
Ah, good old summertime!
* Don't forget to visit Gemma at Greyscale Territory for Weekend Mailbox!
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Great memories you share, and a playful card (even on a boat there might not be enough privacy...).
I love this card! My favorite memory of summer (besides drinking from the water hose and in general, making a cooling mess), the family rides on the weekend to buy and eat watermelon! Yum! Happy PFF!
Oh sweet memories!
I love the naughty grin plastered on the faces of the moon and the two fish. Summer love is what this card is all about! Lovely.
Childhood summers are really something special! So many memories are brought back by this card.
Happy Friday, Beth! What a wonderful post of gathered memories! I too recall summer days of my youth spent playing in the woods with my brother and friends. We built forts in and around trees, spied on each other, and spent the day running wild and free laughing. I think my favorite memories though, are the ones spent as a family camping, digging for crystals up in the mountains, or walking the beaches in of the Pacific coast in search of treasures. I cherish those memories more than any item I could ever posses.
A happy weekend to you!
That's a great card.
For me, summer meant Girl Guide camp, mosquito bites and watermelon.
What a charming card! Love that image. Now I'm thinking of the old movie "In the Good Old Summertime." Wish that were on this weekend.
Happy PFF.
sweet, lovely card! i love how the moon and the two fishes seem to feel the soft tingle of love in their hearts.
I bet you had wonderful memories with your sister. I do too and I miss my two sisters back home. We used to go in the woods too, climbed trees and eat the fruit. It was fun.
The postcard is indeed so summery, I like looking at that smiling sun. Im playing this week
Glad to have joined again!
Lovely postcard and great theme this week. It's not particularly summery here in the UK at the moment (but that's probably because it's Glastonbury weekend which almost always seems to attract the rain). I have kept on theme, but with a rather different take on summer. Happy PFF.
What a happy summer memories!Thank you for sharing^_^
joining her for the first time..
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