Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Get Well Wishes

This is another card from Gramma Gladys. What a beautiful card it is, delicately embossed with lovely details of hand-drawn gold and sparkling glitter. They just don't make 'em like they used to!

This card is particularly appropriate today, as our world faces a terrible pandemic. I've heard of such things happening in the past, but I have never personally observed it.

My heart goes out to all those who are ill and to their families. How frightening this must be for them. I am praying for those of you who have lost loved ones. I pray this terrible illness will be stopped before it can hurt anyone else. God bless you dear folks.


Lois said...

I'm trying not to get too anxious about the pandemic, but it is scary! This is a very pretty window. I wouldn't mind having one like it on my house!

Clytie said...

I was just thinking about how I would love to live in that little house with the beautiful sparkling pink drapes.

Margo said...

this is a very beautiful card. And what nice thoughts :)

Snowbrush said...

Nope, they sure don't make them like that anymore. A charm and a elegance has been lost. I have many pre-WWI postcards, and what a treat many of them are!

Anonymous said...

As always, Beth, it's a pleasure to visit and see 'n read your wonderful posts. I Love the sweet window box on this lovely card... so pretty! Thank you for your recent visit and kind comments. I'm very grateful. Hope all's going well in your Magical World...