"We have been friends together in sunshine and in shade." -- Caroline Norton
I love the youthful elegance and antique fashion which are combined here with such delightful appeal.
This sweet card also reminds me of something that happened years ago. My younger sister Clytie and I went out one night to Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour. Since we were truly Gibson girls--we each ordered a Gibson Girl ice cream.
To our horror, suddenly bells, whistles and sirens went off. We gasped as two GIANT bowls, each about the size of a volleyball--full of every flavor ice cream, complete with toppings, bananas, whipped cream and topped with a red cherry, were trundling toward our table.
We couldn't believe our eyes. I remember we didn't finish our fine LARGE Gibson Girls--and for years afterward we would giggle over our "Gibson Girl" treat.
Daddy Update: Dad is a miracle kid! The surgeons gave the wound on his head (which exposed quite a bit of bone) a one percent chance of healing without surgery. At present, the bone is completely covered and the skin around the wound only has about one and a half inches to go--if that! Dad is a walking miracle! Early next month, Dad will be going in for a neck check up--we are praying for the same miraculous healing in his broken neck bones.
My siblings and I cleared and cleaned our parents home and property enough that they were able to return home last Sunday morning! They seem so happy. Next weekend we are tearing down a rotten section of their home--down to the floorboards, so I would appreciate your good thoughts and prayers for safety for everyone who will be coming over to help.
THANK YOU for your thoughts and prayers--they have meant more to me and my family than you will ever know.